Serial Numbers

Serial numbers for the Standard Questar, Field Model, Duplex, and Questar Seven all contain sequential production numbers beginning with the first units the company produced. The sequencing of those production numbers for the Standard and Duplex Questars began at 50, the early version of the Field Model at 1, the modern Field Model at 101, and the Questar Seven at 51.[1]

The leading number in serial numbers for both Standard Questars (except the earliest examples) and Duplex Questars also indicate the last digit of the year in which a unit was built. For instance, Questar #2-1267 was produced in 1962. And since production numbers for Standard Questars began at 50, #2-1267 was the 1,218th example off the production line. Field Model serial numbers are typically made up only of an “F-” followed by a sequential production number. Serial numbers for Questar Seven units most often indicate a letter representing mirror substrate (“P” for “Pyrex,” for example), the digit “7,” and a production number. Neither Field Models nor Questar Sevens have any indication of manufacture year indicated in their serial numbers.[2]

The company also included indications of other features in serial numbers. For more information, see “Questar Serial Number Systems” on the company’s website.

Using data from two spreadsheets (“Questar Information Database” and “Questar by Year,”[3] both now available on the Questar Users Group on, sales listings, and other sources, I have compiled the following tables which indicate the median production number of known serial numbers for any given year. To determine the year of manufacture for a Questar telescope, locate the production number in the table that is in the vicinity of that for the telescope on hand. For the decade and specific year in which that example was built, refer to the row and column headers.

Standard and Duplex Questar

Decade Last Digit of Year
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1950s 77 123 199 294 386 541
1960s 755 1001 1353 1770 2065 2327 2635 2999 3398 3850
1970s 4241 4688 5203 5426 5650 6101 6386 6810 7076 7499
1980s 7824 8236 8493 8617 8756 8944 9135 9327 9495 9716
1990s 9947 10150 10288 10376 10455 10546 10635 10731 10820 10908
2000s 10956 11009 11067 11098 11132 11164 11180 11202 11228 11244
2010s 11257 11270 11283 11297 11324 11351 11367 11404 11421 11456
2020s 11461 11479 11498

Field Model

Decade Last Digit of Year
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1960s 17 60 103 146 189 232 463 596 749
1970s 903 959 1153 1332 1492 1829 2312 2364 2416 2532
1980s 2716 2900 3084 3169 3254 3385 3516 3649 3904 4086
1990s 4218 4304 4390 4476 4564 4655 4746 4837 4912 4987
2000s 5064 5280

Questar Seven

Decade Last Digit of Year
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1960s 1 63 95
1970s 127 159 191 223 255 287 324 349 355 378
1980s 431 484 507 530 559 588 610 648 668 688
1990s 710 729 734 746 758 770 783 804 826 833
2000s 853 873 893 913 933 955 963 971 979 987
2010s 995 1003 1011 1019 1027 1035 1043 1051 1060 1063
2020s 1066 1069 1072 1079 1080

Please note that there are holes in the data available to me. Where there is no production number for a given year, I derive it by doing math using the production numbers before and after the year without a number. Derived values appear in grey and are approximate.

Production numbers do not always follow in perfect sequence from one year to the next. One sometimes finds a Questar built at the end of a certain year that has a production number greater than other production numbers whose serial numbers indicate those other examples were built the following year. For instance, the “Questar Information Database” on the Questar Users Group (formerly on Yahoo Groups and now on lists Standard Questar #4-5877-BB, an instrument with broadband coatings that was built toward the end of 1974, and #5-5858, which was built with standard coatings around the beginning of 1975 but serialed with an earlier production number.[4]

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1 Jim Perkins, email message to author, August 26, 2020; Questar Corporation, “Questar Serial Number Systems,” n.d.,, accessed January 21, 2021.

2 Questar Corporation, “Questar Serial Number Systems,” n.d.,, accessed January 21, 2021.

3 “Q_Inventory_083115b.xls” (unpublished manuscript, August 31, 2015), spreadsheet,, accessed October 15, 2019; Ralph Foss, “Questar by year.xls” (unpublished manuscript, February 7, 2014), spreadsheet,, accessed October 15, 2019.

4 “Q_Inventory_083115b.xls” (unpublished manuscript, August 31, 2015), spreadsheet,, accessed October 15, 2019.