Questar History

In the spring of 1954, Lawrence Braymer introduced a compact telescope with a novel design to the market. Although its size was small, its effect on amateur astronomy would be anything but.

This is the story of the Questar telescope and the persons who designed, built, and used it.

Detailed Table of Contents

Complete list of chapters, sections, and other items.


Questar #2-14xx
Gregory Gross

Overview of the history of the Questar telescope.

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Chapter 1. Lawrence Braymer and the Emergence of the Questar Telescope

Lawrence Braymer
Questar Corporation

The early biography of Lawrence Braymer and his design of the Questar telescope.

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Chapter 2. The Early Years

The Standard Questar telescope
Questar Corporation

During its first years of production, the Questar telescope took its signature form, one that would endure for decades to come.

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Chapter 3. Design Refinements and Product Evolution

Field Model with Nikon F
Questar Corporation

In the early 1960s, Lawrence Braymer made refinements to Questar’s design and introduced several new products.

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Chapter 4. The Steady Years

Questar Seven and Standard Questar
Questar Corporation

After her husband’s death in 1965, Marguerite Braymer kept Questar on its steady course for the next decade.

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Chapter 5. Expansion into New Product Areas

Questar 700
Questar Corporation

Beginning in the latter half of the 1970s, Questar grew its line of optical instruments as it began to face more serious headwinds.

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Chapter 6. Questar in the 1990s

Conceptual drawing for a 160mm Questar Maksutov-Newtonian with integrated mount, tripod, and case
Jim Perkins/Questar Corporation

In spite of many challenges, Questar weathered the sea change in amateur astronomy that occurred in the final years of the twentieth century.

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Conclusion: Questar in the 21st Century

Space Shuttle Columbia shortly before its destruction on the morning of February 1, 2003
NASA via

The small company that Lawrence Braymer founded in 1950 endures.

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Questar Advertisements

Questar advertisement, <em>Sky and Telescope</em>, June 1963
Questar Corporation

Between 1954 and 2005, Questar ran a print advertising campaign that solidified its presence in the minds of countless amateur astronomers and naturalists.

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The Questar optical system
Questar Corporation

A timeline of important biographical events, product development milestones, and other developments in Questar’s history.

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Appendices and Lists

Afterword and Acknowledgements
