Observations: Judging the single roll that I shot in summertime daylight, I have to say that I'm rather disappointed in this film stock. It’s very possible I simply underexposed everything or that the lab that developed this roll did a bad job. But I was left wanting better performance especially where shadow brightness and contrast are concerned.
Nikon F with Nikkor-S 50mm f/1.4 lens, Kodak TMax 100 film, 1/250 sec., f/11.
Perhaps I should have given this composition one stop more exposure. Still, I would have expected a bit more brightness in shadow regions especially since this sculpture was bathed in bright summertime sunlight.
Left: Nikon F with Nikkor-S 50mm f/1.4 lens, Kodak TMax 100 film, 1/250 sec., f/11.
This is another instance of disappointing underexposure.
Right: Nikon F with Nikkor-S 50mm f/1.4 lens, Kodak TMax 100 film, 1/60 sec., f/5.6.
This image has pleasing grey tones, but shadow detail is lacking. I would have expected a bit more brightness across the board given the exposure settings I chose.