“There Are Some Men a Hat Won’t Help”

“There Are Some Men a Hat Won’t Help”

A piece of advice from the Hat Corporation of America.

June 20, 2024

Tags: Book Reports, Advertising, Classic Cars, Fashion, Fruits of the Internet

One of my favorite sets of books is a series edited by Jim Heimann in which he assembled an incredible set of decade-specific magazine ads for cars. Simply entitled 50s Cars, 60s Cars, and 70s Cars, they are fascinating compilations that reveal the artistry behind automobile advertising.

60s Cars and 70s Cars
My copies of 60s Cars and 70s Cars, edited by Jim Heimann and published by Taschen.

I should add that I own only the last two. In the mid-2000s, I bought 70s Cars new at a bookstore, and I had the opportunity to buy the other two at the same time. But my wife and I were in the middle of a cross-country move at the time, and I didn’t want to load myself down with more stuff to deal with. I later tracked down a copy of 60s Cars, but I never got a copy of 50s Cars.

Although they are out of print, copies are still floating around out there on AbeBooks here, here, and here.

Just recently, I discovered the existence of another trio of books edited by Jim Heimann: 50s Fashion, 60s Fashion, and 70s Fashion.

God bless the Internet Archive. It was there that I found electronic copies of each book here, here, and here. They are available to borrow for one hour with a free archive.org account.

Out of the many oddball and delightfully dated ads I came across, I think it was this one by the Hat Corporation of America in 1961 that put the biggest smile on my face:

Hat Corporation of America advertisement
In 1961, the Hat Corporation of America advised men that the journey up the corporate ladder would be a little easier with a hat on. Hat Corporation of America via archive.org

The copy is definitely worth reading. I wonder if Don Draper would have agreed with the logic that the Hat Corporation of America laid out.

Speaking for myself, I think that, if I were around a few generations earlier, I would have been the cold and indifferent guy in the ad (although without the cigarette). If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that a hat would probably have done nothing for my professional success.

And if that wasn’t enough, the fact that I don’t own a suit might have finished the job. But I take heart knowing that I’m not alone. As Walter Hickey wrote just this morning in his Numlock News email on Substack, a new YouGov survey revealed that 51 percent of adults don’t own a suit. The breakdown by gender is a bit more skewed: 33 percent of men and 68 percent of women do not have a suit hanging in their closet. As much of a liability as the omission may be, I’m quite happy to keep my closet free of anything resembling a suit.

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