The Sun on January 15, 2024

The Sun on January 15, 2024

We had a beautiful day to observe the Sun.

January 15, 2024

Tags: Solar Astronomy, Astronomy, H-alpha Solar Astronomy, Astrophotography, Photography

WARNING: When observing the Sun, be sure to do so safely! Use only equipment that is designed specifically for that purpose and is produced by reputable manufacturers. Follow their directions closely. Do not improvise your own filter material for solar observing. If you are careless, you risk instant and permanent vision loss or injury.

After some rather heavy-duty downpours a few days ago, our weather cleared up beautifully today. The urge to do a bit of solar astronomy was especially strong considering that it had been almost two months since I last observed the Sun.

In spite of seeing that was on the poorer side, I managed to capture this image with my Canon EOS M200 attached to my 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope with glass white light solar filter:

Sun in white light
Sun in white light. Canon EOS M200 with Orion 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope and glass white light solar filter, ISO 200, 1/500 sec., f/13.

There was a nice row of sunspots that stretched across the Sun’s equatorial region. It’s always a bit awe-inspiring to know that typical sunspots are roughly the size of the Earth.

As usual, the Sun appeared even more exciting in my 60mm H-alpha telescope:

Sun in h-alpha
Sun in H-alpha. Canon EOS M200 with Lunt Solar Systems 60mm H-alpha telescope, ISO 1600, 1/25 sec., f/8.

I’m hopeful to get out later today to do a bit of lunar astronomy. My determination is all the more focused considering that the weather will turn bad again over the next several days.

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