Old Cars and an Old Medium
July 22, 2023
Tags: Classic Cars, Out and About, Film Photography, Photography

How do old cars and photography go together? Film photography, of course!
An annual car show that happened today to benefit a local D.A.R.E. program was an obvious event to shoot on film. In the spirit of using my Nikon FM10 as a snapshot camera, I opted not to record any exposure settings on paper and instead just shot the event in a more easygoing way.
I confess that, to me, old cars start to look the same after a while. But I did manage to meet some interesting people. One owner, for instance, spoke to me at length about her 1957 Nash Metropolitan, which I was all too excited to learn about given my liking of neat things in small packages. It was a fully restored car that the owner actually let me sit in.

Another gentleman gushed about his 1962 Oldsmobile Starfire. The most interesting thing I learned about it is that the dashboard glows with a soft blue light at night—very cool indeed.